Thursday, January 5, 2012

Celebrating Jesus – 24X365

Jesus said, “I'll be with you… day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” – (Matthew 28.20, MSG)

Well, the lights are down, the trees are gone, the decorations are put away for next season.

This past weekend, my wife Kate and I took a drive to look at the Christmas lights on the houses around our area. There were a good number of homes still adorned for the holiday season. But many folks had already put away their decorations. Many more will begin taking down their lights, wreaths, snowman, reindeer, etc. this week.  

But we know there will be those who will not want to take down the festive lights right away – they want to linger in the Christmas spirit. Some people won’t take down their lights at all – it’s too complicated, or maybe it’s just too much work to take them down and then put them up again. And some will want to leave the lights up and on just because they like too. I’ve seen Christmas lights on in February and March, then again in September and October, and a few homes lit up in the middle of summer… Christmas in July?

Perhaps it’s just that some of us don’t want Christmas to be just a day or a season – but every day, all year round! Well, in some ways that’s right. Not necessarily leaving the lights up and on all year but the idea of celebrating Jesus – 24 by 365! You see, some of us think about Jesus mostly on special holidays, like Christmas or Easter. A lot of us think of Him mainly on Sunday during our church gatherings. But He didn't come to be our holiday Jesus or just our church Jesus. He may be the reason for the season – but Jesus is not just a season of the year. The Jesus who is worthy of our celebration every day won’t fit inside our Christmas box or religion box (see Colossians 1.15-19; 2.9; John 1.1-3, 14; Hebrews 1.2-3; Revelation 1.8; 2 Chronicles 6.18). He came here to make possible an intimate love relationship with Him that gives meaning to every day of our lives; not just to be a belief or a religious compartment in our lives.

The event Jesus, the holiday Jesus, the religious Jesus; they're just not enough to forgive your sin, to answer your questions about the meaning of your life, to get you to heaven someday, or to satisfy the deepest longings and yearnings of your soul. You've got to belong to Him every day, not just visit Him occasionally. He told those who belong to Him: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" – (Hebrews 13.5; Deuteronomy 31.6) And a "never leave you… never forsake you” relationship is the kind of anchor that our soul is hungering and thirsting for.

Every relationship in our life is "loseable." People turn on us, they dump us, they disappoint us, they divorce us, no matter how deep the relationship – ultimately they die on us. That's why we can never really feel safe in this world, until we anchor ourselves to the Savior who said, "He who comes to me I will never cast out" – (John 6.37).

In our key Scripture text found in Matthew 28.20, Jesus made the ironclad promise that He alone has the power to keep, “You can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end” – (NIRV) What’s more, we have the promise that the love of Christ is enduring, unfailing, everlasting – and nothing in all of God’s created universe can separate us from His love – Who can separate us from Christ's love? Can trouble or hard times or harm or hunger? Can nakedness or danger or war? It is written, ‘Because of you, we face death all day long. We are considered as sheep to be killed.’ No! In all these things we will do even more than win! We owe it all to Christ, who has loved us. I am absolutely sure that not even death or life can separate us from God's love. Not even angels or demons, the present or the future, or any powers can do that. Not even the highest places or the lowest, or anything else in all creation can do that. Nothing at all can ever separate us from God's love because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.” – (Romans 8.35-39; Psalm 44.22, NIRV)

Now, in a world of things and experiences that are never-lasting, Jesus offers the only thing that is ever-lasting. He tells us that, "whoever believes in the Son (that's Jesus, the Son of God) has eternal life" – (John 3.36). You see, you don't have to die to see if you have eternal life. You have it when you put your faith and trust in Jesus. The verse then gives the alternative: "Whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on Him." For you and me, eternal life can begin here and now. Jesus said, “This is eternal life – that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” – (John 17.3)

We had no chance with God until Jesus entered our world... until He gave His life on the cross to take the rap for every wrong thing we have ever done. We can't get anywhere near a holy God with our sin. But Jesus took all our sin on Himself that day on the cross, so you could be clean, so you could be forgiven, so you could be with Him forever.

Yes, the Christmas season provides a wonderful time to reflect on God’s love and grace in sending His Son into the world to save us. But Jesus is not just for Christmas, and He didn’t remain as a baby. He’s the Savior and Lord and He loves you – that’s why He came. He wants you to experience His love everyday – forever. Today, why not move beyond a religion about Jesus – to this love relationship with Jesus that can be celebrated 24x365. Move from just believing things about Jesus… from knowing of Jesus – to really belonging to Jesus and enjoying Him … “day after day after day”!

“Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come… You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.’ ” – (Revelation 4.8, 11)

In a nutshell – in Him,

Web Shepherd